Issues & Advocacy

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In Courtrooms & Capitols Nationwide,
We FIGHT for Your Business Mode

American Pharmacies is known for its fierce commitment to legislative advocacy and the ongoing successes those efforts produce. We established our political roots in the Lone Star State with the Texas Pharmacy Business Council in 2009, the first full-time, dedicated advocacy arm created by any U.S. purchasing group. As our size and reach have grown, our focus has expanded to multiple states, four of them in which we have passed nine bills since 2017.

“Advocacy is in our blood,” APRx President Laird Leavoy says. “It has been every bit as important as purchasing economics in our value proposition since day one. To be totally committed to the economic welfare of our members, we have to put forth maximum effort in the legislative arena.”

Michael Wright, VP of government affairs, has spearheaded our expansion into multiple states with our trademark blend of hard work, decisive action, realistic incremental goals and key strategic partnerships. “We take a calculated, strategic approach to every state we engage in,” Wright said. “We build sustainable efforts with strong partners. That approach has helped us pass 12 of 15 bills filed in Texas and now nine bills in other states.”

APRx monitors and responds legislatively to a variety of independent pharmacy issues:

  • Medicaid managed care
  • Prompt Payment: Standards improved by bills in TX & NM
  • Audit Reforms: We have passed audit legislation in Texas, NM & MI
  • Transaction Fees: The nation's first ban in TX, later in NM, MI & AZ
  • MAC Transparency: Bills in TX, NM  AZ
  • PBM Registration & Oversight: NM & MI 
  • PBM Transparency: Bills in TX, NM, MI & AZ
  • PBM Steering: Banned in TX via bill, in NM via regulation
  • Reimbursement Standards: Payment equal to NADAC + dispensing fee of >$10 in both NM & MI
  • Retroactive Reimbursement Reduction: Banned by bills in TX & MI
  • Pharmacy Theft: Increased TX penalties for pharmacy break-ins and robberies

American Pharmacies History of Success

See Our Record

Headlines & Successes

Rep. Buddy Carter Lifts Up APEX Crowd
U.S. House Passes Major PBM Bill
TPBC's Landmark PBM Reform Bill Signed Into Law
Far-Reaching MI PBM Reforms Signed Into Law
TPBC's Anti-Steering Bill Sent to Governor